2023 Daily Devotions...
Check back as more readings are posted…
Oct 6th devotion
The Spirit Empowers God’s Message
Oct 5th devotion
The Spirit is All-knowing and Ever-present
Oct 4th devotion
The Spirit Comes Upon David in Power
Oct 3rd devotion
The Spirit Empowers Joshua
Oct 2nd devotion
The Spirit Empowers Samson
Sept 29th devotion
The Spirit Empowers Gideon
Sept 28th devotion
The Spirit Empowers Othniel
Sept 27th devotion
The Holy Spirit given in Exodus
Sept 26th devotion
The Holy Spirit at Creation
Sept 25th devotion
The Holy Spirit is poured out at Pentecost
Sept 22nd devotion
Jesus again says “I Am He”
Spet 21st devotion
Jesus says “I Am the True Vine”
Spet 20th devotion
Jesus says “I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life”
Sept 19th devotion
Jesus says “I Am He”
Sept 18th devotion
Jesus says “I Am the Resurrection and the Life”
Sept 15th devotion
Jesus claims to be I Am
Sept 14th devotion
Jesus says “I Am the Good Shepherd”
Sept 13th devotion
Jesus says “I Am the Gate”
Sept 12th devotion
Jesus says “I Am the Light of the World”
Sept 11th devotion
Jesus says “I Am the Bread of Life”
Sept 8th devotion
Jesus Says That Because He’s God We Need Not Fear
Sept 7th devotion
Jesus First Applies God’s Name to Himself
Sept 6th devotion
God Defines His Character
Sept 5th devotion
God Commands Us to Honor His Name
Sept 4th devotion
God reveals His Name to Moses - I Am
Summer has officially ended, but our daily devotions do not…
Summer devotion #65
Jesus Talks with His Father
Summer devotion #64
Jesus Talks with His Disciples in John 16
Summer devotion #63
Jesus Talks with His Disciples in John 15
Summer devotion #62
Jesus Talks with His Disciples
Summer devotion #61
Jesus Talks with His Disciples
Summer devotion #60
Jesus Talks with Pilate
Summer devotion #59
Jesus Talks with the Pharisees
Summer devotion #58
Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery
Summer devotion #57
Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman
Summer devotion #56
Jesus Talks with Nicodemus
Summer devotion #55
Providing the Temple Tax
Summer devotion #54
Feeding 4000
Summer devotion #53
Healing a Canaanite Woman’s Daughter
Summer devotion #52
Jesus Walks on Water
Summer devotion #51
Jesus Calms a Storm
Summer devotion #50
Restoring Malchus’ Ear
Summer devotion #49
Healing Ten Lepers
Summer devotion #48
Raising A Dead Man to Life
Summer devotion #47
Healing A Centurion’s Servant
Summer devotion #46
Healing A Man With an Evil Spirit
Summer devotion #45
Healing A Boy With an Unclean Spirit
Summer devotion #44
Healing A Deaf Man
Summer devotion #43
Two Miracles in One
Summer devotion #42
Healing a Man With Demons
Summer devotion #41
A Paralytic Healed
Summer devotion #40
2nd Miraculous Catch of Fish
Summer devotion #39
Lazarus Raised from the Dead
Summer devotion #38
Blind Man Healed
Summer devotion #37
5000 People Fed
Summer devotion #36
Water Into Win
Summer devotion #35
Parable of the Sheep and Goats
Summer devotion #34
Parable of the Fig Tree
Summer devotion #33
Parable of New Wine
Summer devotion #32
Parable of the Seats at a Feast
Summer devotion #31
Parable of Cleanliness
Summer devotion #30
Parable of the Doorkeeper
Summer devotion #29
Parable of the Unworthy Servants
Summer devotion #28
Parable of Builing a Tower
Summer devotion #27
Parable of the Servants Waiting for the Master
Summer devotion #26
Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders
Summer devotion #25
Parable of the Ten Virgins
Summer devotion #24
Parable of the Wedding Banquet
Summer devotion #23
Parable of the Tenants
Summer devotion #22
Parable of the Two Sons
Summer devotion #21
Parable of the Vineyard Workers
Summer devotion #20
Parable of the Talents
Summer devotion #19
Parable of the Shrewd Manager
Summer devotion #18
Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Summer devotion #17
Parable of the Persistent Widow
Summer devotion #16
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Summer devotion #15
Parable of the Lost Sons
Summer devotion #14
Parables of the Lost Sheep and Coin
Summer devotion #13
Parable of the Rich Fool
Summer devotion #12
Parable of the Friend at Midnight
Summer devotion #11
Parable of the Good Samaritan
Summer devotion #10
Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
Summer devotion #9
Parable of the Net
Summer devotion #8
Parable of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl
Summer devotion #7
Parable of the Speck and Plank
Summer devotion #6
Parable of the Light
Summer devotion #5
Parable of the Barren Fig
Summer devotion #4
Parable of the Mustard Seed
Summer devotion #3
Parable of the Growing Seed
Summer devotion #2
Parable of the Weeds
Summer devotion #1
Parable of the Sower
Audible Daily Devotions
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