Opportunities to Serve: Help With Our Nursery We need a couple more volunteers to help with our during-worship nursery (2-6 year olds). Please talk to Mona Hjelle if you can help. Pick Your Month for you (or your family) to be our Church Custodian: You can choose any month. Talk to our new Trustee, Lonnie Robbin to sign up or find out more details. Thanks Make A Meal One of the best (and simplest) ways to share Jesus’ love is by making a meal for someone who is going through a tough time. Please call Pastor David if you know of someone who would appreciate a meal. Thanks ! Remember to use our “We Prayed for You” program...We’d like to send out a card or two each week to people we prayed for during worship. Please contact pastor@livingwordlutheran.net with the address of someone you asked us to pray for who would be greatly encouraged by getting a card. We are currently in need of a volunteer to mail the cards. If you could help, talk to Pastor David Remember the Teal's Rebate Program. Teal’s Grocery gives a 1% rebate to eligible organizations. There's a box under the mail boxes where you can put in your receipts. Upcoming Schedules: After-Worship Fellowship We will have coffee / water and cookies at 10:15 after worship .Please join us when you can! Usher Schedule July 7 Wendy & Lonny Robbin July 14 Jason & Levi Miller July 21 Pam Johnson & Linda Van Meter July 28 Larry Levin & Jim Stinson Elders July 7, 14 Steve & Duane & Kevin June 21, 28 Kevin & Dan Custodian July - Available Nursery ( Volunteers needed - please talk to Mona H.) Altar Guild July Mona Hjelle Power Point Clicker July 7 Carter July 14 Parker July 21 Ella July 28 Troy Accompanying Musicians July 7 Sharon Willen July 14 Scott Wachter July 21 Sharon Willen July 28 Scott Wachter
Information for Members of Living Word Lutheran Church
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