Living Word Lutheran strives to provide many opportunites for spiritual growth as is evidenced in our core values... Daily Bible Reading Schedule Living Word Lutheran strives to be “BIBLE-BASED AND CHRIST-CENTERED preaching, teaching and reaching” with the belief that the The Bible is God's inerrant and infallible Word, in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. Daily Bible readings bring us closer to God and increases our understanding of Him. Small Group Bible Studies Two core values at Living Word Lutheran are “MAKING COMMITTED DISCIPLES through small-group ministries” and BIBLE-STUDY, PRAYER, FELLOWSHIP & OUTREACH in our small groups.” To accomplish this, we have several small groups that you can choose to participate in like a Men’s Study, Mom’s Study, Studies on Wednesday noon, Tuesday nights, and Sunday morning. Check out some of the study opportunities that Living Word Lutheran has to offer. Sunday School Meets each Sunday morning at 8:45 providing “CHRISTIAN EDUCATION where God’s Children of All Ages grow in faith.” Classes for preschool through 9th grade Living Word Lutheran Youth Group A fun and exciting group offering “A YOUTH FOCUS that treats youth as part of the church today, not just the future of the church tomorrow.” Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning CELEBRATING IN WORSHIP - Making every Sunday truly a "Mini-Easter". Prayer Living Word believes in communication with God through prayer. Our goal is to get PEOPLE PRAYING for each other, their community and world. Participate in prayer or make a prayer request. Outreach and Events Living Word offers many events for SERVANT-ORIENTED OUTREACH with the love of Jesus in practical ways and to make the church a A FUN PLACE to KNOW Jesus, GROW closer to Jesus and GO with Jesus. These events can be found on the Living Word Monthly Calendar and in the Monthly Newsletters. All these things we do to POINT PEOPLE TO JESUS, not To Ourselves.
Opportunities for Growth at Living Word Lutheran Church
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Sunday School